Categoría:Cartas lanzadas solamente en Japón
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En esta categoría se incluyen todas las cartas que son exclusivas de Japón y por lo tanto no llegaron a otros idiomas.
Páginas en la categoría «Cartas lanzadas solamente en Japón»
Las siguientes 200 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 285.
(página anterior) (página siguiente)'
- 's Celebi (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- 's Chansey (Challenge from the Darkness JTCG)
- 's Groudon (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- 's Jirachi (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- 's Kyogre (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- 's Mew (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- 's Pikachu (Pokémon Center Birthday Campaign promo JTCG)
- 's Pikachu (Pokémon Center Tokyo promo JTCG)
- 's Rayquaza (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- Abra (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Abra (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Aggron (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Alakazam (Communication Evolution Campaign promo JTCG)
- Alomomola (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Aerodactyl (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Kabutops (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Latias (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Latios (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Pidgeotto (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Alto Mare's Xatu (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Annie's Espeon (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Aron (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Articuno (T Promo JTCG)
- Azumarill (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Bayleef (T Promo JTCG)
- Bellossom (Pokémon Card Information Vol.2 promo JTCG)
- Brock's Crobat (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Brock's Kabutops (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Brock's Omastar (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bronzong M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Bugsy's Beedrill (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bugsy's Butterfree (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bugsy's Ledian (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bugsy's Pinsir (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bugsy's Scizor (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Bulbasaur (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Bulbasaur (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Bulbasaur (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Buneary M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Caterpie (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Celebi (P Promo 42 JTCG)
- Celebi (P Promo 7 JTCG)
- Chansey (Creatures Deck JTCG)
- Charizard (Premium File 2 JTCG)
- Charmander (DP-P Promo JTCG)
- Charmander (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Charmander (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Charmeleon (T Promo JTCG)
- Chatot (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Chikorita (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Chikorita M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Chinchou (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Cobalion (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Croagunk (Melee! Pokémon Scramble JTCG)
- Croagunk M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Croconaw (T Promo JTCG)
- Cubone (CoroCoro Comic April 1998 promo JTCG)
- Cyndaquil (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Cyndaquil M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Dark Fearow (Pokémon Card GB2: Official Guidebook promo JTCG)
- Deerling (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Dialga M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Diglett (Asobikata promo JTCG)
- Dragonair (T Promo JTCG)
- Dragonite (Pokémon Card GB promo JTCG)
- Dragonite (T Promo JTCG)
- Dratini (T Promo JTCG)
- Dugtrio (Asobikata promo JTCG)
- Dunsparce (Pokémon Card Information Vol.1 promo JTCG)
- Durant (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Falkner's Delibird (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Falkner's Dodrio (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Falkner's Farfetch'd (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Falkner's Pidgeot (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Falkner's Skarmory (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Falkner's Togetic (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Flareon (T Promo JTCG)
- Flying Pikachu (Everyone's Happy Campaign: Wave 1 promo JTCG)
- Frillish (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Gardevoir (SM-P Promo 408 JTCG)
- Gastly (Vending Machine Series 3 JTCG)
- Gengar (Communication Evolution Campaign promo JTCG)
- Giratina M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Golbat (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Golem (Communication Evolution Campaign promo JTCG)
- Golett (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Gothita (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Gothitelle (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Gothorita (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Great Rocket's Mewtwo (Pokémon Card GB2 promo JTCG)
- Growlithe (Intro Pack: Squirtle Deck 26 JTCG)
- Hama-chan's Slowking (CoroCoro Comic September 1999 promo JTCG)
- Heatmor (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Heatran (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Heatran M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Hitmonlee (Vending Machine Series 2 JTCG)
- Ho-Oh-ex (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- Hungry Snorlax (Nintendo 64 Double Get Campaign promo JTCG)
- Jasmine's Ampharos (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Jasmine's Electabuzz (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Jasmine's Jolteon (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Jasmine's Magneton (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Jasmine's Steelix (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Jigglypuff (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Jirachi-ex (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- Jolteon (T Promo JTCG)
- Jynx (CoroCoro Comic April 1998 promo JTCG)
- Lairon (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Larvesta (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Larvitar (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Larvitar (P Promo JTCG)
- Latias and Latios (J Promo JTCG)
- Discusión:Lista de expansiones del Juego de Cartas Coleccionables Pokémon
- Lucario (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Lucario (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Lugia (P Promo JTCG)
- Lugia (Pokémon Card GB2 promo JTCG)
- Lugia-ex (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- Luigi Pikachu (XY-P Promo JTCG)
- M Sachiko-EX (XY-P Promo JTCG)
- Magikarp (University Promo JTCG)
- Magmar (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Magmortar (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Maractus (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Mareep (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Marill (Get in a Jet! 2000 Campaign: Wave 1 promo JTCG)
- Marill (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Marill (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Mario Pikachu (XY-P Promo JTCG)
- Meloetta (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Meowth (CoroCoro Comic January 1998 promo JTCG)
- Meowth M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Metapod (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Mew (World Hobby Fair Special Sheet promo JTCG)
- Mew-ex (PLAY Promo JTCG)
- Mewtwo (Battle Carnival 2011: Experience Battle promo JTCG)
- Mewtwo (P Promo JTCG)
- Mewtwo Strikes Back (CoroCoro Comic May 1998 promo JTCG)
- Minccino (Pokémon Card Beginner's Battle Conference promo JTCG)
- Mischievous Pichu (S-P Promo JTCG)
- Misty's Corsola (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Misty's Politoed (Theater Limited VS Pack JTCG)
- Moltres (T Promo JTCG)
- Morty's Gengar (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Morty's Marowak (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Morty's Misdreavus (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Morty's Murkrow (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Morty's Ninetales (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Morty's Noctowl (Pokémon VS JTCG)
- Murkrow (Pokémon Card Trainers Magazine Vol.4 promo JTCG)
- Pachirisu (Melee! Pokémon Scramble JTCG)
- Palkia M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Paras (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Parasect (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Phanpy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Pichu (P Promo 45 JTCG)
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 098 JTCG)
- Pikachu (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG)
- Pikachu (P Promo 38 JTCG)
- Pikachu (P Promo 4 JTCG)
- Pikachu (P Promo 44 JTCG)
- Pikachu (Press Conference March 2001 JTCG)
- Pikachu (Summer Carnival promo JTCG)
- Pikachu (Everyone's Exciting Battle JTCG)
- Pikachu M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Pikachu M LV.X (DPt-P Promo JTCG)
- Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Clefairy (CoroCoro Comic July 1997 promo JTCG)
- Pinsir (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG)
- Piplup M (Movie Commemoration Random Pack JTCG)
- Pokémon Center Osaka (P Promo JTCG)
- Pokémon Center Tokyo (P Promo JTCG)
- Pokémon Illustrator (JTCG)
- PokéPark's Celebi (PokéPark Forest Premium File JTCG)
- PokéPark's Jirachi (PokéPark Forest Premium File JTCG)
- PokéPark's Latias (PokéPark Forest Premium File JTCG)
Archivos en la categoría «Cartas lanzadas solamente en Japón»
Los siguientes 200 archivos pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 296.
(página anterior) (página siguiente)- 's Chansey (Challenge from the Darkness JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,3 MB
- Abra (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 013 JTCG).png 1108 × 1492; 2,77 MB
- Abra (Sample Pack TCG).png 61 × 143; 27 kB
- Aggron (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,19 MB
- Alakazam (Masaki Promo).png 671 × 933; 1,13 MB
- Alomomola (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,14 MB
- Arbok (Vending Machine Series 3 JTCG).png 687 × 962; 1,49 MB
- Arcanine (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 508 × 702; 503 kB
- Aron (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,14 MB
- Articuno (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1092 × 1490; 3,49 MB
- Articuno (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,1 MB
- Azumarill (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,05 MB
- Bayleef (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,53 MB
- Bellsprout (Vending Machine Series 3 JTCG).png 681 × 935; 1000 kB
- Berry (Sample Pack TCG).png 133 × 193; 62 kB
- Bill (P Promo JTCG).png 592 × 800; 863 kB
- Bill's Teleporter (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 604 × 800; 755 kB
- Birthday Pikachu (Pokémon Center Tokyo promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,66 MB
- Blastoise (P Promo JTCG).png 489 × 679; 612 kB
- Blastoise (Trade Please campaign promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,12 MB
- Brock's Kabutops (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,82 MB
- Brock's Omastar (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,68 MB
- Brock's Onix (CoroCoro Comic March 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,12 MB
- Bugsy's Beedrill (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,49 MB
- Bugsy's Butterfree (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,71 MB
- Bugsy's Ledian (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,59 MB
- Bugsy's Pinsir (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,69 MB
- Bugsy's Scizor (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,95 MB
- Bugsy's Yanma (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,65 MB
- Bulbasaur (DPt-P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,39 MB
- Bulbasaur (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 001 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,99 MB
- Bulbasaur (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,71 MB
- Caterpie (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,88 MB
- Celebi (P Promo 007 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,76 MB
- Celebi (P Promo 42 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,92 MB
- Chansey (Creatures Deck - Back Part JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,9 MB
- Chansey (Creatures Deck JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 1,42 MB
- Chansey (Pokémon Snap Best Photo Contest Promo JTCG).png 500 × 700; 875 kB
- Charizard (P Promo JTCG).png 670 × 918; 1,09 MB
- Charizard (Trade Please campaign promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,21 MB
- Charmander (DP-P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,86 MB
- Charmander (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 004 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,38 MB
- Charmander (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,34 MB
- Charmeleon (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 693 × 957; 1,18 MB
- Charmeleon (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,43 MB
- Chikorita (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 003 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,69 MB
- Chinchou (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 011 JTCG).png 690 × 972; 1,28 MB
- Chuck's Granbull (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,95 MB
- Chuck's Poliwrath (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,87 MB
- Chuck's Primeape (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,99 MB
- Chuck's Rhydon (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,82 MB
- Chuck's Tauros (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,06 MB
- Clair's Blastoise (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,79 MB
- Clair's Dragonite (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,17 MB
- Clair's Gyarados (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,18 MB
- Clair's Jynx (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,77 MB
- Clair's Kingdra (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,19 MB
- Clair's Politoed (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,97 MB
- Cobalion (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,37 MB
- Croagunk (Melee Pokémon Scramble TCG).png 747 × 1042; 1,61 MB
- Croconaw (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,88 MB
- Crystal Energy (Creatures Deck - Back Part JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 5,31 MB
- Crystal Energy (Creatures Deck JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,39 MB
- Cubone (CoroCoro Comic April 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,19 MB
- Cyndaquil (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 006 JTCG).png 1118 × 1531; 3,03 MB
- Dark Alakazam (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 688 × 930; 1,11 MB
- Dark Blastoise (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 760 × 1056; 1,75 MB
- Dark Charizard (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1070 × 1504; 3,48 MB
- Dark Charmeleon (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1342 × 1854; 3,32 MB
- Dark Kadabra (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 694 × 977; 1,6 MB
- Dark Slowbro (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 656 × 920; 1,53 MB
- Dark Venusaur (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 737 × 1020; 1,9 MB
- Dark Wartortle (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 684 × 971; 1,61 MB
- Dark Weezing (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1115 × 1526; 3,27 MB
- Deerling (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,07 MB
- Diglett (Asobikata promo JTCG).png 644 × 911; 1,35 MB
- Diglett (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 667 × 934; 1,23 MB
- Dragonair (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,83 MB
- Dragonite (Pokémon Card GB promo JTCG).png 960 × 1331; 2,23 MB
- Dragonite (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 677 × 899; 973 kB
- Dragonite (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 5,1 MB
- Dratini (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4 MB
- Dugtrio (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 537 × 739; 730 kB
- Durant (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,14 MB
- Eevee (Melee Pokémon Scramble TCG).png 745 × 1048; 1,58 MB
- Electabuzz (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,05 MB
- Electivire (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,07 MB
- Electrode (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 545 × 756; 784 kB
- Entei (P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,55 MB
- Exeggcute (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 534 × 740; 701 kB
- Exeggutor (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 654 × 894; 941 kB
- Falkner's Delibird (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,46 MB
- Falkner's Dodrio (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,18 MB
- Falkner's Farfetch'd (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,41 MB
- Falkner's Fearow (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,65 MB
- Falkner's Pidgeot (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,29 MB
- Falkner's Skarmory (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,3 MB
- Falkner's Togetic (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,31 MB
- Farfetch'd (CoroCoro Comic April 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,13 MB
- Fennel Help (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 878 kB
- Feraligatr (P Promo JTCG).png 467 × 655; 572 kB
- Fighting Energy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1022 kB
- Fire Energy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1022 kB
- Flareon (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,39 MB
- Flying Pikachu (ANA promo 99).png 490 × 689; 807 kB
- Frillish (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,02 MB
- Gengar (Masaki Promo).png 676 × 930; 1,12 MB
- Gengar (Pokemon Web JTCG).png 661 × 924; 923 kB
- Golbat (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,67 MB
- Golett (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,14 MB
- Gothita (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1010 kB
- Gothitelle (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 978 kB
- Gothorita (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1009 kB
- Grass Energy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1 MB
- Growlithe (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 556 × 758; 730 kB
- Growlithe (Squirtle Deck 26 JTCG).png 693 × 954; 1,15 MB
- Gyarados (Pokémon Snap Best Photo Contest Promo JTCG).png 500 × 705; 978 kB
- Heatmor (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,06 MB
- Hitmonlee (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1086 × 1509; 2,94 MB
- Hitmonlee (Vending Machine Series 2 JTCG).png 680 × 946; 1,22 MB
- Hungry Snorlax (N64 Promo JTCG).png 350 × 495; 378 kB
- Hyper Devolution Spray (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 553 × 767; 704 kB
- Imakuni Exploud ex (T Promo 24 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,24 MB
- Imakuni Loudred (T Promo 23 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,02 MB
- Imakuni Whismur (T Promo 22 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,58 MB
- Ivysaur (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 708 × 967; 1,26 MB
- Ivysaur (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 5,04 MB
- Jasmine's Ampharos (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,26 MB
- Jasmine's Electabuzz (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,84 MB
- Jasmine's Jolteon (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,83 MB
- Jasmine's Magneton (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,8 MB
- Jasmine's Steelix (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4 MB
- Jolteon (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1786; 3,6 MB
- Jynx (CoroCoro Comic April 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,13 MB
- Kakuna (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,7 MB
- Kangaskhan (Garura Parent and Child promo).png 640 × 892; 1,06 MB
- Keldeo (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,26 MB
- Lairon (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,18 MB
- Larvesta (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 962 kB
- Larvitar (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 018 JTCG).png 350 × 495; 393 kB
- Larvitar (P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,68 MB
- Latias and Latios (J Promo JTCG).png 663 × 933; 962 kB
- Lightning Energy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG).png 640 × 892; 926 kB
- Lucario (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,07 MB
- Lugia (P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,13 MB
- M Sachiko-EX (XY-P Promo TCG).jpg 571 × 796; 530 kB
- Machamp (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 639 × 909; 1,52 MB
- Magikarp (Pokemon Web JTCG).png 737 × 1020; 1,95 MB
- Magmar (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,09 MB
- Magmortar (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,1 MB
- Maractus (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,01 MB
- Mareep (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 012 JTCG).png 1182 × 1600; 3,56 MB
- Marill (ANA promo JTCG).png 746 × 1038; 1,8 MB
- Marill (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack JTCG).png 1031 × 1431; 3,46 MB
- Marill (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 545 × 749; 735 kB
- Marill (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,02 MB
- Max Revive (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 536 × 741; 675 kB
- Meloetta (Everyone Exciting Battle JTCG).png 600 × 835; 1,21 MB
- Meowth (CoroCoro Comic January 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,02 MB
- Metapod (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,79 MB
- Mew (P Promotional Cards 033 JTCG).png 658 × 921; 1,13 MB
- Mew (World Hobby Fair promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,07 MB
- Mewtwo (P Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,34 MB
- Mewtwo (World Hobby Fair promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1,14 MB
- Mischievous Pichu (S-P Promo TCG).png 868 × 1212; 1,37 MB
- Misty's Staryu (CoroCoro Comic March 1998 promo JTCG).png 640 × 892; 1004 kB
- Moltres (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 714 × 990; 996 kB
- Moltres (T Promo JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,07 MB
- Morty's Gengar (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,91 MB
- Morty's Marowak (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,19 MB
- Morty's Misdreavus (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,84 MB
- Morty's Murkrow (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,47 MB
- Morty's Ninetales (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,39 MB
- Morty's Noctowl (Pokémon VS JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 5,1 MB
- Natu (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 015 JTCG).png 1028 × 1428; 3,62 MB
- New Pokédex (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1114 × 1578; 3,48 MB
- Nidoking (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 548 × 752; 842 kB
- Nidoran♂ (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 677 × 923; 1021 kB
- Nidoran♂ (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,9 MB
- Nidoran♀ (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,5 MB
- Nidorina (Vending Machine Series 3 JTCG).png 661 × 890; 1,15 MB
- Nidorino (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 1436 × 1960; 3,5 MB
- Nidorino (Vending Machine Series 3 JTCG).png 631 × 894; 1,34 MB
- Ninetales (Pokémon Web JTCG).png 552 × 762; 711 kB
- Oddish (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 002 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 5,04 MB
- Pachirisu (Melee Pokémon Scramble TCG).png 747 × 1045; 1,35 MB
- Paras (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,54 MB
- Parasect (Vending Machine Series 1 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,65 MB
- Phanpy (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 017 JTCG).png 350 × 495; 386 kB
- Pichu (P Promo 32 TCG).png 355 × 497; 391 kB
- Pichu (P Promo 45 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,56 MB
- Pichu Bros (P Promo JTCG).png 587 × 794; 913 kB
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 098 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,52 MB
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 099 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 2,8 MB
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 100 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 3,91 MB
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 101 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,94 MB
- Pikachu (DP-P Promo 102 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,52 MB
- Pikachu (McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack 010 JTCG).png 700 × 968; 1,33 MB
- Pikachu (P Promo 38 JTCG).png 1280 × 1788; 4,34 MB