Magneton (Skyridge H18 TCG)

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Carta de Magneton
Magneton en Skyridge
Tipo de carta: Pokémon
Fase: Fase 1
Tipo: Energía Rayo
Puntos de salud: 80 PS
Debilidad: Energía Lucha Básica
Resistencia: Ninguna
Coste de retirada: Energía Incolora
Rareza:Rara Holo

Magneton es una carta en fase 1 de tipo Energía Rayo Básica. Está presente como las cartas nº H18/H32 y 19/144 pertenecientes a la expansión Skyridge (TCG).

Información de la carta[editar código | editar]

Poké-Power[editar código | editar]

Attract Energy
When you play Magneton from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may move any number of basic Energy cards attached to your other Pokémon to Magneton.

Movimientos[editar código | editar]

Energía Rayo Básica Energía Incolora
Energía Incolora
Electric Blast
You may discard all Energía Rayo Básica Energy cards attached to Magneton when you use this attack. If you d, put damage counters equal to the amount of Energy cards removed in this way on any number of your opponent's Benched Pokémon in the way you like. (For example, if you discard 3 Energía Rayo Básica Energy cards, you can put 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and 2 counters on another)

Datos de Nintendo e-Reader[editar código | editar]

Pokémon: Magneton
PS: 80
ID: F-65-#
Dot code corto
Sprite de Magneton
Número: 082
Especie: Magnet
Altura: 3'03"
Peso: 132.0 lb
When many MAGNETON gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves.
Información del TCG
  • Attract Energy can be used only once, when you play Magneton to evolve Magnemite. It lets you move any number of basic Energy cards from your Pokémon to Magneton. If you want to use this power more than once, use cards like Underwater Ruins or Retro Energy to discard this card, then use Lure Ball to return it to your hand.
  • When you use Electric Blast, you can choose to discard as many Lightning Energy cards attached to Magneton as you want. For each Energy card discarded, you get to put 1 damage counter on one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If you use this attack after using Attract Energy to put lots of Lightning Energy cards on Magneton, you can Knock Out lots of your opponent's Pokémon at once. If you don't have a Pokémon in play with a lot of Lightning Energy cards attached to it, use the Miracle Shift power of Togetic (C-71) to get them out of your deck.
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