Magneton (Skyridge H19 TCG)

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Carta de Magneton
Magneton en Skyridge
Tipo de carta: Pokémon
Fase: Fase 1
Tipo: Energía Metálica
Puntos de salud: 70 PS
Debilidad: Energía Fuego Básica
Resistencia: Energía Planta Básica -30
Coste de retirada: Energía IncoloraEnergía Incolora
Rareza:Rara Holo

Magneton es una carta en fase 1 de tipo Energía Rayo Básica. Está presente como las cartas nº H18/H32 y 20/144 pertenecientes a la expansión Skyridge (TCG). Su ID es F-71-# y la ilustración fue hecha por Kouki Saitou

Información de la carta[editar código | editar]

Movimientos[editar código | editar]

Energía Incolora Energía Incolora
Bounce Off
If Magneton and the Defending Pokémon don't have the same number of Energy cards attached to them, the player controlling the Active Pokémon with the fewest number of Energy cards attached to it switches 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon.
Energía Metálica Básica Energía Metálica Básica
Energía Incolora
Magnetic Wave
This attack does 30 damage plus 10 damage times the number of your Benched Pokémon minus the number of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (For example, if your opponent has 1 Benched Pokémon and you have 3, this attack will do 30 damage plus 20 more damage.)

Datos de la Pokédex[editar código | editar]

N.º del Pokémon 082
Categoría Pokémon Imán
Altura 1,0 m
Peso 60,0 kg

Datos de Nintendo e-Reader[editar código | editar]

Pokémon: Magneton
PS: 70
ID: F-71-#
Dot code corto
Sprite de Magneton
Número: 082
Especie: Magnet
Altura: 3'03"
Peso: 132.0 lb
When many MAGNETON gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves.
Información del TCG
  • Bounce Off is an unusual ability that has the player with the Active Pokémon with the least amount of Energy Cards attached to it switch it switch it with a Benched Pokémon. If you want to adjust the number of Energy cards attached to your Active Pokémon, use cards like Tentacruel (D-62), with its Strange Tentacles power, or Alakazam (E-66) with its Energy Switch Power.
  • Magnetic Wave does more damage if you have more Pokémon on your Bench than your opponent does. You can get lots of Pokémon on your Bench if you use Pokémon Fan Club or cards like Rattata (E-27), with its Call for Friends attack.
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