Wigglytuff (Skyridge TCG)

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Carta de Wigglytuff
Wigglytuff en Skyridge
Tipo de carta: Pokémon
Fase: Fase 2
Tipo: Energía Incolora
Puntos de salud: 70 PS
Debilidad: Energía Lucha Básica x2
Resistencia: Ninguna
Coste de retirada: Energía Incolora

Wigglytuff es una carta de Pokémon de tipo incoloro Energía Incolora. Es la carta n.º 34/144 de la expansión Skyridge.

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Good Neighbor
(Buen Vecino)
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Wigglytuff is on your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, each player removes up to 2 damage counters from his or her Active Pokémon. This power can't be used if you have already used another Wigglytuff's Good Neighbor Poké-Power this turn.
texto original
Una vez durante tu turno (antes de tu ataque), si Wigglytuff está en tu Banca, debes lanzar una moneda. Si sale cara, cada jugador puede eliminar hasta 2 contadores de daño de su Pokémon Activo. Este poder no puede ser usado si usted ya ha usado otro Buen Vecino Poké-Power de Wigglytuff en este turno.
traducción (esta carta no ha salido en español)


Energía Incolora Energía Incolora
Do the Wave
(Hacer La Ola)
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of Pokémon you have in play.
texto original
Lanza 1 moneda. Si sale cara, este ataque hace 10 de daño el número de Pokémon que tienes en juego.
traducción (esta carta no ha salido en español)

Datos de Nintendo e-ReaderEditar

Pokémon: Wigglytuff
PS: 70
ID: F-41-#
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Sprite de Wigglytuff
Número: 040
Especie: Balloon
Altura: 3'03"
Peso: 26.0 lbs
The rich, fluffy fur that covers its body feels so good that anyone who feels it can't stop touching it.
Información del TCG
  • Good Neighbor is a Poké-Power, which works when Wigglytuff is on the Bench. If yoy get heads on a coin flip, each player gets to remove 2 damage counters from his or her Active Pokémon. Because it affects your opponent as well, think about the best time to use it, based on how many HP both your and your opponent's Pokémon have left. Note that even if you have more than 1 Wigglytuff on your Bench, you can use this Poké-Power only once a turn.
  • You hace to flip a coin to use Do the Wave. If you get heads, it does 10 damage for each Pokémon you have in play. It's a powerful attack that can do up to 60 damage for just 2 Colorless Energy! Use cards like Dual Ball or Pokémon Fan Club to get lots of Pokémon into play before using this attack.
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