Nidoqueen (Skyridge TCG)

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Carta de Nidoqueen
Nidoqueen en Skyridge
Tipo de carta: Pokémon
Fase: Fase 2
Tipo: Energía Planta
Puntos de salud: 110 PS
Debilidad: Energía Psíquica Básica x2
Resistencia: Ninguna
Coste de retirada: Energía IncoloraEnergía IncoloraEnergía Incolora
Rareza:Rara Holo

Nidoqueen es una carta de Pokémon de tipo planta Energía Planta Básica. Es la carta n.º H21/H32 y 22/144 de la expansión Skyridge.

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Evolution Helper
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Nidoqueen is on your Bench, you may search your deck for a card that evolves from your Active Pokémon and attach it to your Active Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
texto original
Una vez durante tu turno (antes de tu ataque), si Nidoqueen está en tu Banca, debes buscar en tu baraja una carta que evolucione de tu Pokémon Activo y adjuntarla a esta. (Esto cuenta como si estuvieras evolucionando ese Pokémon.) Mezcla tu baraja después de esto.
traducción (esta carta no ha salido en español)


Energía Planta Básica Energía Incolora
Energía Incolora
Double Claw
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads.
texto original
Lance 2 monedas. Este ataque hace 30 de daño más 20 de daño por cada cara.
traducción (esta carta no ha salido en español)

Datos de Nintendo e-ReaderEditar

Pokémon: Nidoqueen
PS: 110
ID: F-58 (H21/H32)
F-58-# (22/144)
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Sprite de Nidoqueen
Número: 031
Especie: Drill
Altura: 4'3"
Peso: 132 lbs.
The hard scales that cover its strong body serve as excellent protection from any attack.
Información del TCG
  • Evolution Helper is a great ability that lets your evolve your Active Pokémon whenever you want, even if you don't have an Evolution card in your hand. A good trick is to use it to evolve a Pokémon that you just played. Another way to surprise your opponent is to use this ability to get an Evolved Pokémon that doesn't need a lot of Energy to use its attacks. Attack with it right away!
  • Double Claw can do up to 70 damage in one attack. Even if you get all tails on the coin flips, it still does 30 damage. This is an efficient attack, as it always does damage and can be used for just 3 Energy.
  • Because this Pokémon has a lot of HP, it'll stay in play for a long time. It's good in the early game when you can use Double Claw to Knock Out lots of your opponent's Pokémon. Then, later in the game, if Nidoqueen takes a lot of damage, you can retreat it and start using its Evolution Helper ability to start evolving your other Pokémon!.
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